
Should I Sue….honestly

I'll do my best to shorten this because I unfortunately have pages and pages of examples in my phone notes that would read far too long. Let me tell you briefly that I am not someone to accuse of sexual Harrasment and abuse over something let's say sort of typical that may unfortunately be common in the work place. Here are just a few things my boss has said/ done to me. Told me ” I feel like hitting you but I know that's wrong” Say ” picture (Bob) bending you over and raping you, that's what you just did to me” when I reminded him of a call 5 mins before the start time and I also asked 2 other times between 3 and one days out if he wanted this meeting and he ignored the ask so I scheduled it and told him so several times because he's…

I'll do my best to shorten this because I unfortunately have pages and pages of examples in my phone notes that would read far too long. Let me tell you briefly that I am not someone to accuse of sexual Harrasment and abuse over something let's say sort of typical that may unfortunately be common in the work place.

Here are just a few things my boss has said/ done to me.

  1. Told me ” I feel like hitting you but I know that's wrong”
  2. Say ” picture (Bob) bending you over and raping you, that's what you just did to me” when I reminded him of a call 5 mins before the start time and I also asked 2 other times between 3 and one days out if he wanted this meeting and he ignored the ask so I scheduled it and told him so several times because he's told me before to make my own decisions if he doesn't respond
  3. Sending me photos of almost nude women that he would date/sleep with
    4.send me extremely inappropriate screenshots between his girlfriend and he of their sex life
  4. Get into verbal altercations with me in public, he yelling at me and me just trying to defend myself
    6.telling me he will hold me accountable for my weight
  5. Threatening to fire me if I wasn't on call 24/7
  6. Expecting me to work at literal all hours calling/texting at 11PM, 5AM etc
    9.telling me he is insecure about his small penis size
  7. Bragging about how he would obnoxiously cough without covering his mouth when covid first happened because he thought it was funny that everyone was so afraid
  8. Pointing out places in the office where he had sex with his girlfriend
    Insisting several times that I roar like a lion while in a elementary school parking lot and when I refused several times he told me I had no courage I had to continue the drive as he was in my car it was very awkward

I mean I could go on and on for real. Based off these few examples. . . Sincerely do you think that this is a right to sue or is this just going to be written off as unethical but not illegal?

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