
work is giving “homework”

My work wants me to do a bunch of e learning modules, roughly 20 plus testing afterwards each module ranges from 20 – 30 min. Need 80% to pass on test. I asked when I can sit down at work to do this training. My manager told me it's not training and is to be done at home for free. In My province it is illegal to give unpaid training. I consider this training. My work does not consider it training. Thoughts and opinions please.

My work wants me to do a bunch of e learning modules, roughly 20 plus testing afterwards each module ranges from 20 – 30 min. Need 80% to pass on test.

I asked when I can sit down at work to do this training.

My manager told me it's not training and is to be done at home for free.

In My province it is illegal to give unpaid training. I consider this training. My work does not consider it training.

Thoughts and opinions please.

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