
Should I thank my work bully…

I (40f) have a work bully (50f). She is battling stage 4 liver cancer and was a huge bitch before being diagnosed and bigger one after. I tried being nice to her, I'm a nice person. But I gotta walk on egg shells around her and be subject to her outbursts. I don't want to get into the details, but the point is she made this place so bad for me that I sought work elsewhere and will be making 14k more annually. I want to thank her for being so big of a giant asshole that it made me seek different employment with a nice lil raise -and- thank her for reminding me that just because someone is ill doesn't mean they deserve my kindness. What do yall think?

I (40f) have a work bully (50f). She is battling stage 4 liver cancer and was a huge bitch before being diagnosed and bigger one after.
I tried being nice to her, I'm a nice person. But I gotta walk on egg shells around her and be subject to her outbursts. I don't want to get into the details, but the point is she made this place so bad for me that I sought work elsewhere and will be making 14k more annually.
I want to thank her for being so big of a giant asshole that it made me seek different employment with a nice lil raise -and- thank her for reminding me that just because someone is ill doesn't mean they deserve my kindness.

What do yall think?

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