
Should I Walk Out? Being Treated Poorly

I am currently at work fuming over the treatment that I have been receiving. For back story, I put in my two weeks almost two weeks ago (Friday is my last day) and my boss has been treating me like shit ever since. I had a talk with my boss previously and he was super nice, he was saying he understands it's not personal, it's business (because I'm leaving for a higher paying job). He was telling me that regardless of what choice I make I'd do great and just being overall very kind. Then when I put in my two weeks that “sweet” guy is gone. My boss has been giving me the silent treatment, looks at me in disgust, avoids me at all costs, embarassed me in front of a client by going apologizing to a client for my words, we always take our lunch all together on…

I am currently at work fuming over the treatment that I have been receiving. For back story, I put in my two weeks almost two weeks ago (Friday is my last day) and my boss has been treating me like shit ever since.

I had a talk with my boss previously and he was super nice, he was saying he understands it's not personal, it's business (because I'm leaving for a higher paying job). He was telling me that regardless of what choice I make I'd do great and just being overall very kind. Then when I put in my two weeks that “sweet” guy is gone.

My boss has been giving me the silent treatment, looks at me in disgust, avoids me at all costs, embarassed me in front of a client by going apologizing to a client for my words, we always take our lunch all together on Friday's since there are only three people here and he grabbed his lunch and ate it in his office last Friday, he doesn't say thank you anymore when I do anything, if he needs to communicate with me he tries his best to do so via my co-worker, he put a trailer in my parking spot so I have to park across the street, etc.

I want to just leave the for the day and not fulfill my two weeks but it would royally screw over my co-worker. I'm close with my co-worker and I don't want to do that to him but I also feel like a two week notice is a courtesy and my boss is taking advantage of my kindness.

Any thoughts would be appreciated. And thank you for reading my ramble.

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