
Should I withhold Labor until wages are paid?

I recently found out my company has made a payroll error, and neglected to pay me for 25 hours of overtime so far this year. I've asked to be made whole as soon as possible, and requested all of my pay stubs so I can determine how much I'm owed. I'm considering not working, or at least not working on billable tasks (i'm a consultant) until I'm made whole. In December, I discovered I was shorted an entire years worth of a pay increase. So this is the second time my wages have been shorted in 6 months. What advice does antiwork have for this situation? To be clear my employer is not denying the error and understands they have an obligation to correct it. They included additional funds in my December bonus in an effort to compensate for the previous shortage., but I received no accounting for that money,…

I recently found out my company has made a payroll error, and neglected to pay me for 25 hours of overtime so far this year. I've asked to be made whole as soon as possible, and requested all of my pay stubs so I can determine how much I'm owed. I'm considering not working, or at least not working on billable tasks (i'm a consultant) until I'm made whole. In December, I discovered I was shorted an entire years worth of a pay increase. So this is the second time my wages have been shorted in 6 months. What advice does antiwork have for this situation? To be clear my employer is not denying the error and understands they have an obligation to correct it. They included additional funds in my December bonus in an effort to compensate for the previous shortage., but I received no accounting for that money, none of it was considered normal wages, and as far as I know, retirement contributions were not made on that amount.

My initial reaction is to stop working and demand a 10% raise. I'm not very worried about getting fired or retaliation if I do this, but I suppose it's a non-zero risk. I'm also an hourly employee, so witholding labor would cost me, but I would expect it to motivate my boss to pay me very quickly. Should I notify my other co-workers about this situation?

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