
Should I work corporate or serve?

I recently moved to Denver, and I didn’t have a job secured because I was serving in my last city and blah blah blah. I graduated with a business admin degree in 2021, and I had a 9-5 for a few months – I fucking hated it. I tried 2 different 9-5s and didn’t enjoy either of them. I starting serving a couple months ago, and I loved it. I also made pretty good money for the amount of hours I worked. Anyways, I started interviewing places this week, and I have 2 interviews for office jobs and 1 for serving. I’m 23 and not sure what I want to do, but I know I hate 9-5s. The serving job already offered it to me, but I’m not sure if I should take that (what I enjoy) or an office job (steady money). Pretty much what I’m asking is, is…

I recently moved to Denver, and I didn’t have a job secured because I was serving in my last city and blah blah blah. I graduated with a business admin degree in 2021, and I had a 9-5 for a few months – I fucking hated it. I tried 2 different 9-5s and didn’t enjoy either of them. I starting serving a couple months ago, and I loved it. I also made pretty good money for the amount of hours I worked.

Anyways, I started interviewing places this week, and I have 2 interviews for office jobs and 1 for serving. I’m 23 and not sure what I want to do, but I know I hate 9-5s. The serving job already offered it to me, but I’m not sure if I should take that (what I enjoy) or an office job (steady money).

Pretty much what I’m asking is, is it a good idea to take a serving job since I’m still young and could potentially get back in the office someday? Or, is it stupid since my resume wouldn’t be a fit for an office job based on the chance I try to get one someday? Also, feel free to just call me an idiot for all of this in general, because I already feel like one for not having anything together :p

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