
Should my boyfriend accept his promotion with less pay?

My boyfriend works at a manufacturing facility, and in a short period of time he's been offered two promotions, the second one being a supervisor position. He took the job as a quick opportunity to save money as we were traveling full-time beforehand so our savings were pretty low, so this is not a place he wishes to establish a career. He wants advice and I'm not in the field so I thought I'd post on here. If he were to accept this position he'd be making an estimated $15,000 less a year (after his yearly bonus) and the additional benefits are minimal. The primary reason he's considering it is how it would appear on his resume – Obviously, working your way up to supervisor in 6 – 7 months would impress future employers. Is it worth it? ***Edit: He would take a small pay-cut even with the minimum hours…

My boyfriend works at a manufacturing facility, and in a short period of time he's been offered two promotions, the second one being a supervisor position. He took the job as a quick opportunity to save money as we were traveling full-time beforehand so our savings were pretty low, so this is not a place he wishes to establish a career.

He wants advice and I'm not in the field so I thought I'd post on here. If he were to accept this position he'd be making an estimated $15,000 less a year (after his yearly bonus) and the additional benefits are minimal. The primary reason he's considering it is how it would appear on his resume – Obviously, working your way up to supervisor in 6 – 7 months would impress future employers. Is it worth it?

***Edit: He would take a small pay-cut even with the minimum hours he’d have to work. More likely than not, he will have to work overtime, and the more overtime he works the larger the cut in pay as he’ll be making almost $10/hour less than now.

If you want to hear more (as I am definitely in the mood for ranting): He broke down the math for them and explained he would be taking a pay cut, as originally they did try to trick him into believing he would be making more and had the opportunity to make a LOT more (“Yeah, but after your bonus…”, “If there's no overtime available (he always works between 60-73 hours)…”, etc.) But he gave them the benefit of the doubt and showed them the math and they essentially said their hands are tied and they can't offer more.

He came back and said he'd take the promotion without an increase in wages or the benefits, since he's practically doing the job already anyway. They told him it wasn't possible for him to stay on hourly and they were really taking a risk hiring him for the position (again, bs, because he's already doing the job and the place can barely manage without him – he always gets texts and calls when he takes a day off). This place hardly rewards its workers for their merit – one employee has worked there for 20 years and makes the same as the newbies, which breaks my fucking heart honestly.

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