
showed I’m ready for a multi step promotion now my workload has slowed to only minimal duties

Got my masters and a certificate in a coding language new to our team. Have since automated many core business functions and parts of our workflow. I also began cleaning up and rewriting parts of our legacy code base and was made the lead engineer (not in title only in responsibility) of my group's product. Was told they'd be moving me around to other teams to implement the same types of improvements. they hired a junior who I trained up on our legacy and my automated workflow to ” free up my time”. That was a year ago with no new work assigned to me yet and due to my process improvements and the junior my work has slowed to like 12-18hrs a week max. I'm 34 and talented and creative and a good worker, I don't want to be coasting. I want to be working and earning more and…

Got my masters and a certificate in a coding language new to our team. Have since automated many core business functions and parts of our workflow. I also began cleaning up and rewriting parts of our legacy code base and was made the lead engineer (not in title only in responsibility) of my group's product.

Was told they'd be moving me around to other teams to implement the same types of improvements. they hired a junior who I trained up on our legacy and my automated workflow to ” free up my time”. That was a year ago with no new work assigned to me yet and due to my process improvements and the junior my work has slowed to like 12-18hrs a week max.

I'm 34 and talented and creative and a good worker, I don't want to be coasting. I want to be working and earning more and moving up. I want to be a senior manager or director so that I can comfortably support my family and maybe even coast or move down when I get a bit older. This isn't the first place this has happened either.

Feeling disgusted and used and waiting for that average performance review to come in so I know they are getting ready to cut bait. I'm honestly tempted to go buy a tool belt and pull my home equity and try flipping houses to not have to deal with corporate bullshit anymore.

For a laugh I talked to a few recruiters who both said easily they'd get me 40k more in my current title elsewhere. Guess I'll try and find a new job and see my company panics when they see an offer letter they can't possibly match.

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