
Shower thought: How come younger generations get sick of “customer is always right” or “be constantly productive during downtime”. But older generations were okay with it.

I was watching a YouTube video some guy made about the history of McDonald’s. And one random line stuck out to me that got me thinking. Apparently they used to have saying for employees like “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean”. It reminds me of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode “The Double Meat Palace” (where Buffy is forced to get a job at a fast food place to make ends meet). And she’s told constantly “Productivity. One of the managers watch-words. 'Levity is the time-thief that picks the pocket of the company.’”, which makes her roll her eyes. I recently started working at Publix to help with my rent, and this same mindset is used (second job to my regular office job). Always standing, clean when there’s no one checking out, stand in front of the cash register anytime you’re not doing anything.…

I was watching a YouTube video some guy made about the history of McDonald’s.

And one random line stuck out to me that got me thinking. Apparently they used to have saying for employees like “If you have time to lean, you have time to clean”.

It reminds me of the Buffy The Vampire Slayer episode “The Double Meat Palace” (where Buffy is forced to get a job at a fast food place to make ends meet). And she’s told constantly “Productivity. One of the managers watch-words. 'Levity is the time-thief that picks the pocket of the company.’”, which makes her roll her eyes.

I recently started working at Publix to help with my rent, and this same mindset is used (second job to my regular office job). Always standing, clean when there’s no one checking out, stand in front of the cash register anytime you’re not doing anything. You’re not allowed to wait at the register. Just a bunch of “1950’s” like mindset. There’s always a new bogus rule I hear. I mean we have a rule where you can NEVER leave your cash register during checkout if you have to ask someone something, even if it’s important. It’s worse than working at a 9-5 sitting in an office emailing and taking phone calls. I forgot how bad retail is and the rules T these places (worked in retail/food years ago).

Once I needed a supervisor to accept something on the computer because I voided an item a customer didn’t want. My bagger left and the supervisor was all the way on the other side of the hall. So I walked down and said I needed them. 5 mins later a 50 year old employee went “pssssst! Never leave the register it’s a big no no. Even if you need a supervisor.” Which I get, but it’s ridiculous. The customer is waiting there confused and the supervisor doesn’t see me needing help and is super far away from me. What am I supposed to do? Stand there hoping they see me eventually. Lmao.

I feel my generation (millennials) and gen Z are very against this type of mindset and get sick of it. What caused younger generations to basically say “fuck this, things need to change”. Where as our parents and grandparents were like robots going “oh okay! Yes master!” Is it from the constant ridiculous rules and stagnant low wages that made us think “this is a waste of our time. Why am I bending over backwards for x amount of money and filling up pockets for some jerk in a fancy office.”

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