
Sh!t Boss Plans To Let Me Go In A Few Weeks

Boss said they're gonna let me go soon. So, I faked a sick day today. 😀 I had some stuff due today that I really should get done (and can, if given a couple of hours), but I don't care. I get to work early and stay back late enough where I risk missing my bus home. I skip lunchtime entirely nowadays and plant my butt firmly in my seat for 8-10 hours. I am tired. And that should be enough. Just got a call from my coworker following up on something I should've done. Didn't do it because I genuinely didn't want to. Whatever. Will there be repercussions on Monday? Absolutely. Do I care? Kinda, but not as much as I should. My sh!t boss only provides “feedback” on a monthly basis to crap all over me and accuse me of not “working hard like the rest of the…

Boss said they're gonna let me go soon. So, I faked a sick day today. 😀

I had some stuff due today that I really should get done (and can, if given a couple of hours), but I don't care.

I get to work early and stay back late enough where I risk missing my bus home. I skip lunchtime entirely nowadays and plant my butt firmly in my seat for 8-10 hours.

I am tired. And that should be enough.

Just got a call from my coworker following up on something I should've done. Didn't do it because I genuinely didn't want to. Whatever.

Will there be repercussions on Monday? Absolutely.

Do I care? Kinda, but not as much as I should.

My sh!t boss only provides “feedback” on a monthly basis to crap all over me and accuse me of not “working hard like the rest of the team”. But this time, he mentioned that the company is changing and some positions will no longer be needed. Mine included.

And if I'm getting let go in a few weeks anyway, what's the point? Why burn myself out when I can just work on my freelance business? Or my creative projects? Or, hell, even my hobbies?

I felt guilty earlier but I'm too tired to feel guilty anymore. Wish me luck.

TL/DR: This job sucks the life out of me so I'm faking diarrhea to rest and recuperate. 😀

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