
Sick and tired of jobs in my area that demand long ass hours and high pay being the norm.

No I don't want to work in a field where basic human decency is rare. No I don't want to work in a field where 12 hours a day is normal and being awake for 4 hours after work means I'm dragging my ass the next day. I don't care if it pays great, I'm tired of basically having to babysit grown men or just deal with the crap that comes with it. I hate that the only place to make a decent livable wage is where you destroy your body day in and day out and everyone is fine with it. The only option is to either suffer and work through the crap, or find a job you love and struggle to make ends meet. There is no middle ground.

No I don't want to work in a field where basic human decency is rare.

No I don't want to work in a field where 12 hours a day is normal and being awake for 4 hours after work means I'm dragging my ass the next day.

I don't care if it pays great, I'm tired of basically having to babysit grown men or just deal with the crap that comes with it.

I hate that the only place to make a decent livable wage is where you destroy your body day in and day out and everyone is fine with it.

The only option is to either suffer and work through the crap, or find a job you love and struggle to make ends meet. There is no middle ground.

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