
Sick of companies randomly canceling positions after enduring so many interview rounds

I’ve been in more than enough situations where I’ve interviewed with a company, gotten to the final 4th or 5th round, only to be told that the position I was applying for was canceled or “put on hold indefinitely”. Do companies know how INCREDIBLY frustrating and insulting this is for the candidate? It’s not even an offer or rejection, just a “someone decided to cancel the position you’re applying for”. Weeks of prep, hours and hours of interviews where I am sometimes put through stressful assessments, and long stretches of waiting to see if I made it to the next round – all for nothing. What a waste of time. Apparently companies do it all the time, from what I’ve been told, and everyone just accepts it. Can we stop normalizing this hiring practice? It’s beyond rude to waste a candidate’s time like this. This is a reason why I…

I’ve been in more than enough situations where I’ve interviewed with a company, gotten to the final 4th or 5th round, only to be told that the position I was applying for was canceled or “put on hold indefinitely”. Do companies know how INCREDIBLY frustrating and insulting this is for the candidate? It’s not even an offer or rejection, just a “someone decided to cancel the position you’re applying for”. Weeks of prep, hours and hours of interviews where I am sometimes put through stressful assessments, and long stretches of waiting to see if I made it to the next round – all for nothing. What a waste of time.

Apparently companies do it all the time, from what I’ve been told, and everyone just accepts it. Can we stop normalizing this hiring practice? It’s beyond rude to waste a candidate’s time like this. This is a reason why I hate working and anything to do with work, because companies think you’re this disposable thing they can toy with, build your hopes up, and throw you aside when you’re not needed. If the position absolutely must be canceled at last minute, at least COMPENSATE the candidate for their time and effort.

I’m really tried of this. Tired of seeing companies treat their applicants/employees like borderline trash. Tired of the rat race and all the stupid things companies drag you though just so you can afford food and a roof over your head.

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