
Sick policy

That thing, where your employer forces you to go to a doctors to get signed off sick? It’s outdated and bullshit. Especially after COVID. I’m sat in a surgery and there is a lady here clearly suffering in the waiting room. And for what? For a box to be ticked because your employer thinks you’re a lying piece of shit. Well fuck them. Let people stay in bed and get better. Don’t force people who are sick into the workplace to infect their colleagues. Modernise.

That thing, where your employer forces you to go to a doctors to get signed off sick? It’s outdated and bullshit. Especially after COVID. I’m sat in a surgery and there is a lady here clearly suffering in the waiting room. And for what? For a box to be ticked because your employer thinks you’re a lying piece of shit. Well fuck them. Let people stay in bed and get better. Don’t force people who are sick into the workplace to infect their colleagues. Modernise.

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