
Since when do doctors know it’s not count as doctors notes

So I work for a certain organic grocery store, I will not name names. I've been there for almost 6 years now, I've always been a very sickly person, in and out the ER. I struggle with lung issues, female issues, and most recently leg issues now because I had a really bad injury where I tore tendon and I was on disability for my job for about 8 to 9 months. So I'm well used to the protocol of calling out and using the doctor's notes and, taking time off all that stuff none of it's new for me. So I say that to say that right now at my location we have a bunch of new supervisors. And it has been so frustrating these past few weeks. Because once again I had to go to the ER for serious issue, I've had to have multiple doctors appointments. And…

So I work for a certain organic grocery store, I will not name names. I've been there for almost 6 years now, I've always been a very sickly person, in and out the ER. I struggle with lung issues, female issues, and most recently leg issues now because I had a really bad injury where I tore tendon and I was on disability for my job for about 8 to 9 months.

So I'm well used to the protocol of calling out and using the doctor's notes and, taking time off all that stuff none of it's new for me. So I say that to say that right now at my location we have a bunch of new supervisors. And it has been so frustrating these past few weeks. Because once again I had to go to the ER for serious issue, I've had to have multiple doctors appointments. And I've been providing doctors notes for everything. Yet every email that I've messaged HR with a copy of my doctor's note, they are not relaying to the supervisor of my department. So every day that I've been sick, on a doctor's note there's still trying to require me to call out an hour before my schedule shift.

And I've literally in the history of my company, never had to call out while actively having a doctor's note. Typically it would be hey I'm out until such and such date, and they would say make sure you bring the doctor's note on the provided date that you are going to return on. Now it's suddenly HR getting approve it so you have to call out everyday. I'm already burned out with this company because I've been there for 6 years with no growth despite me trying, talking to everyone, and trying to learn as much as possible. I'm overworked, we are understaffed, and now I can't even be sick in peace.

There's a part of me that just wants to firmly go on disability now, because I'm tired of working under these conditions. I'm tired of customer service, I'm tired of literally feeling like I'm breaking my body for a job that does not appreciate me and only harasses me and worries about following the rules to a textbook. I just needed some place to vent about this hopefully this is the appropriate sub

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