
Sister in-laws situation

Hey everybody, wondering if you folks have any advice. My sister in law negotiated a raise at her current job (by mentioning another offer she got from a different place) and they accepted but was told not to discuss the raise with her fellow employees. She declined the competing offer so she could stay at her current place. She did mention her raise to a co-worker, which was overheard and they took her raise away because of it. Not sure how much of the conversation she has in text form (will check today), she’s planning on calling back the previous offer to see if it’s still on the table, and if not, continue to look elsewhere. What should she do? I know that discussing wages with coworkers is protected by law…

Hey everybody, wondering if you folks have any advice.

My sister in law negotiated a raise at her current job (by mentioning another offer she got from a different place) and they accepted but was told not to discuss the raise with her fellow employees. She declined the competing offer so she could stay at her current place.

She did mention her raise to a co-worker, which was overheard and they took her raise away because of it.

Not sure how much of the conversation she has in text form (will check today), she’s planning on calling back the previous offer to see if it’s still on the table, and if not, continue to look elsewhere.

What should she do? I know that discussing wages with coworkers is protected by law…

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