
Sitting in my car outside the gas station

I need to drive to the next parking lot and walk into work. I don't even hate my job (teaching), I'm just there too much. Five days, eight hours a day. It's too much for me. It's too much for the students. Four days would be a massive quality of life improvement for everyone. Instead, I have the urge to veer off into oncoming traffic. I don't even hate my job! I'm just there too much. I miss home.

I need to drive to the next parking lot and walk into work. I don't even hate my job (teaching), I'm just there too much. Five days, eight hours a day. It's too much for me. It's too much for the students. Four days would be a massive quality of life improvement for everyone. Instead, I have the urge to veer off into oncoming traffic. I don't even hate my job! I'm just there too much. I miss home.

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