
sitting through my millionth anti union propaganda video during a work training and feeling angry.

They're in every retail and restaurant job I've ever had. They tell you the union only takes your money and provides no benefits. It makes me want to throw up that this is even allowed now after workers worked so fucking hard to get unions in the first place. Like I'm feeling physically ill and I want to walk out. Obviously I can't, I need money. But I fucking hate this shit and I need to vent about it instead of listening to this disgusting video telling me unions are just big businesses who want to take advantage of workers. I am angry at the people who believe this shit and I'm angry at the people who preach it and I'm angry at the world I hate capitalism!!!!!! My father preached to me all high school about working and earning money while stealing my money. One day I asked if…

They're in every retail and restaurant job I've ever had. They tell you the union only takes your money and provides no benefits. It makes me want to throw up that this is even allowed now after workers worked so fucking hard to get unions in the first place. Like I'm feeling physically ill and I want to walk out. Obviously I can't, I need money. But I fucking hate this shit and I need to vent about it instead of listening to this disgusting video telling me unions are just big businesses who want to take advantage of workers.

I am angry at the people who believe this shit and I'm angry at the people who preach it and I'm angry at the world I hate capitalism!!!!!!

My father preached to me all high school about working and earning money while stealing my money. One day I asked if he'd ever worked fast food. He said he worked at Wendy's for a week and quit because it was too much. I have a burning passionate hatred for these pieces of shit with no empathy who preach all day about having work ethic because I know, I KNOW they not only steal people's labor, but they steal money literally, they launder it, they find all the tax loopholes to make sure they never have to work eight hours, walk home two hours, and wake up in six hours to do it again. I hate them I hate them so much and I hope in hell they have to work non stop, no bathroom breaks, with the worst customers imaginable. And I want their demon manager to tell them every day why unionizing would actually worsen their working conditions.

This is just venting sorry I just need to get this out. I am disgusted. They're literally saying “DONT speak to union reps EVER because they just WANT YOU they're EVIL.”

With enough signatures, you and the rest of your team could end up with a union that you may not want. We believe there is no need for a union at dollar general.

I want to THROW UP I WANT TO BURN THIS BUILDING DOWN but I'm going back to school and I really need to fucking save money up for that and yes the school I'm going to is sucking an inordinate amount of money out of me but goddamnit I just want to get into the bougie circles so I can have enough money for a CAT FRIEND for my CAT and a GARDEN

sorry ok bye

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