
Six Months of Job Hunting. And I’m One of The Lucky Ones.

I just got another rejection. I've lost count at this point. So many “we wish you the best of luck”, and “it's nothing against yous” and the ever popular response of just nothing at all. I've filled out more than 200 applications. I've gone through interviews in person and virtual, done verbal assessments, numerical assessments, questionnaires, video submissions, personality tests, pitch meetings and career fairs and I have nothing to show for it. I could've gotten further in some companies for sure, but in all those cases they were either scams, pyramid schemes unwilling to pay me a living wage, or offer things like health insurance. I'm tired of waiting on applications from legitimate businesses and getting my hopes up only to be rejected unceremoniously. And that's if I'm lucky. I've been working since I was 16. I have a college degree with ten years of experience in that field…

I just got another rejection. I've lost count at this point. So many “we wish you the best of luck”, and “it's nothing against yous” and the ever popular response of just nothing at all. I've filled out more than 200 applications. I've gone through interviews in person and virtual, done verbal assessments, numerical assessments, questionnaires, video submissions, personality tests, pitch meetings and career fairs and I have nothing to show for it.

I could've gotten further in some companies for sure, but in all those cases they were either scams, pyramid schemes unwilling to pay me a living wage, or offer things like health insurance. I'm tired of waiting on applications from legitimate businesses and getting my hopes up only to be rejected unceremoniously. And that's if I'm lucky.

I've been working since I was 16. I have a college degree with ten years of experience in that field with many transferable skills. I also have a master's degree. And it all feels worthless. I just needed to rant because I'm tired of it all. F*ck this economy, these corporations, and the people in charge of hiring. All it would take is just one person taking a chance on me and this could all be over. It could be over tomorrow. But it won't. Until then I guess I'm just stuck in a black hole of applications.

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