
Sketchy Job Offer

Hi all, Long time lurker first time poster here, I know the whole point of this community is to be against work but sadly a mans gotta eat. I've been applying for a million places with very little response for a while now and at this point I'm about ready to lose it, when suddenly I hear back from a Saba Construction Co. They tell me they have super flexible hours, pretty decent pay, and all remote. It sounds great…… too great so I do some digging. They have a website that looks super clean and professional but almost no presence anywhere else. I'm pretty desperate and want to believe it's real but something feels off. How do you, the people of Reddit determine whether or not a job is legit? I'm looking for any advice at all.

Hi all,

Long time lurker first time poster here, I know the whole point of this community is to be against work but sadly a mans gotta eat. I've been applying for a million places with very little response for a while now and at this point I'm about ready to lose it, when suddenly I hear back from a Saba Construction Co. They tell me they have super flexible hours, pretty decent pay, and all remote. It sounds great…… too great so I do some digging. They have a website that looks super clean and professional but almost no presence anywhere else. I'm pretty desperate and want to believe it's real but something feels off. How do you, the people of Reddit determine whether or not a job is legit? I'm looking for any advice at all.

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