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The last thing I did before leaving work today was add quality assurance to my spam filter. I clapped back at them for docking me over spelling/grammar on emails to clients but they spelled things wrong in the course of providing that feedback so I made fun of them. I hate that they aren't held to the same standard that I am, but they also enforce the standard. I was told to basically never talk back to them and that I can complain and gripe off the record or whatever. From my perspective, if this isn't a two way street its a no way street. I have one boss and if I screw up bad enough they also tap him to make sure I correct things. So that is now going to be the only feedback I get from them and 90% of their job is filling my spam folder.…

The last thing I did before leaving work today was add quality assurance to my spam filter. I clapped back at them for docking me over spelling/grammar on emails to clients but they spelled things wrong in the course of providing that feedback so I made fun of them. I hate that they aren't held to the same standard that I am, but they also enforce the standard.

I was told to basically never talk back to them and that I can complain and gripe off the record or whatever. From my perspective, if this isn't a two way street its a no way street. I have one boss and if I screw up bad enough they also tap him to make sure I correct things. So that is now going to be the only feedback I get from them and 90% of their job is filling my spam folder. If I can't talk to them, they can't talk to me and can go through my only boss if I need to be reached.

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