
Slovenia is as bad as the USA

I read a lot of horror stories on this sub, but hear me out. I live Slovenia (Europe) where we have almost the worst of everything. No worker rights, everyone is bribed or just doesn't care. We technically have unions, but they might as well be non existent. Public health care should be a thing still, but its slow and ineffective. So either you wait in line for months, even years for MAYBE a possible solution or you're forced to go to a costly private clinic. Just drilling and healing a bad tooth (with a temporary filing) costs around 600 € at a private dentist. This is the really fun part. The average net wage here is 1000 €. More than 50% of people have less than that. The rent for a 40 m2 apartment is about 600-1000€, depending on where you live in the centre. There public transportation is…

I read a lot of horror stories on this sub, but hear me out. I live Slovenia (Europe) where we have almost the worst of everything. No worker rights, everyone is bribed or just doesn't care. We technically have unions, but they might as well be non existent.

Public health care should be a thing still, but its slow and ineffective. So either you wait in line for months, even years for MAYBE a possible solution or you're forced to go to a costly private clinic.
Just drilling and healing a bad tooth (with a temporary filing) costs around 600 € at a private dentist.

This is the really fun part. The average net wage here is 1000 €. More than 50% of people have less than that.

The rent for a 40 m2 apartment is about 600-1000€, depending on where you live in the centre. There public transportation is again practically nom existent, so everyone and their grandma has a car or two per person. The diesel is about 2 € per litre right now.

If you want to buy an apartment – forget about it. You need a massive downpayment or a wealthy family.
The average price for a 45 m2 apartment fixer uper is 200.000 €. Most cost more. The majority or apartments for sale right now cost 400.000-900.000 €.

We're fucked.

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