
SLPT or good idea: putting low effort at remote jobs and getting fired quickly?

Disclaimer: theoretical only, for now atleast. This shitty idea came randomly, what if you got a bunch of salaried remote work jobs and put in a mediocre amount of effort, then got fired after like 1-3 months. You coast as long as possible, then get fired and move on to the next job, but still get paid (maybe)? I imagine people would stop hiring you pretty quick if word got around and it's a small field.

Disclaimer: theoretical only, for now atleast. This shitty idea came randomly, what if you got a bunch of salaried remote work jobs and put in a mediocre amount of effort, then got fired after like 1-3 months.

You coast as long as possible, then get fired and move on to the next job, but still get paid (maybe)? I imagine people would stop hiring you pretty quick if word got around and it's a small field.

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