
Small business owners are just as bad

TW: mention of SA My current employer is the worst I've had so far. I work for a small business in my town as a manager. My boss/the owner works at the business with us almost every day so I have a direct line of communication with them. But despite this that line of communication is useless. My concerns are rarely met with anything other than a laugh or don't talk about this. I want better pay because I'm paid jack shit for being a manager? “I already gave you a raise, don't talk about this right now, you don't do enough for more, etc.” I want less hours because I now officially work more than the owner. ” Just stick it out, there are people that work more than you at other places, it's part of working” the list goes on. He has also told me to lie about…

TW: mention of SA

My current employer is the worst I've had so far. I work for a small business in my town as a manager. My boss/the owner works at the business with us almost every day so I have a direct line of communication with them. But despite this that line of communication is useless. My concerns are rarely met with anything other than a laugh or don't talk about this. I want better pay because I'm paid jack shit for being a manager? “I already gave you a raise, don't talk about this right now, you don't do enough for more, etc.” I want less hours because I now officially work more than the owner. ” Just stick it out, there are people that work more than you at other places, it's part of working” the list goes on.
He has also told me to lie about my pay to others for fear of the discourse it will bring cause he underpays everyone well below what people at other places in town pay. Sexually assaulted two of our current employees and brushed it off by using the classic I was drunk and don't remember excuse. I haven't pressed it because he isn't aware I know and the girls have expressed they don't want to press it currently. Is also a bad alcoholic that drinks on the job and escalates arguments while drunk using the same excuse as above when brought up the next day. Basically makes me be the boss of employees when he is around because he doesn't want to bear the responsibility of being an actual boss. And believe the same capitalist lies like people don't want to work, there aren't enough employees, inflation is the sole reason he can't pay more, etc. My only reasons for not leaving are that I live with my mom who asked that I just keep a job and not have a gap in my employment and it's been hard to find a job that isn't in the food industry. I'm searching for a new job and have interviews set up so I'm hoping for the best.

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