
Small businesses/restaurants that refuse to raise wages by saying it will hurt their bottom line – why don’t you publish your finances?

Obviously all identifying info would have to be censored, but publishing itemized revenues and expenses (including anonymous payroll) would be the ultimate way for a business to prove that they couldn’t afford to increase wages, or their current wages are fair. If they’re paying an excessive amount for rent or supplies, that could be shown in a verifiable manner and help us all understand who is truly to blame. If the numbers check out, the community can more strongly empathize with the struggling small business – but if the numbers are ridiculous, it’s the perfect motivation for the community to hold that business accountable. What do you all think of this idea?

Obviously all identifying info would have to be censored, but publishing itemized revenues and expenses (including anonymous payroll) would be the ultimate way for a business to prove that they couldn’t afford to increase wages, or their current wages are fair. If they’re paying an excessive amount for rent or supplies, that could be shown in a verifiable manner and help us all understand who is truly to blame. If the numbers check out, the community can more strongly empathize with the struggling small business – but if the numbers are ridiculous, it’s the perfect motivation for the community to hold that business accountable. What do you all think of this idea?

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