
small town private vet clinic breaking laws

So, I was an employee to a very small, very toxic privately owned veterinary clinic for a short period of time. It was toxic, abusive, and I believe she crossed a lot of lines. I don't want to sound like a disgruntled former employee, but I really think think these things are bad. I'd like help confirming, as well as advice on where to go to turn her in. we never got breaks. Lunches happened (but people commonly worked through them while wolfing down a sandwich). 10-15 minute breaks literally never happened, I never got one and I never once saw another employee get one. food brought for lunches was kept in the same fridge as vaccines, poop/ urine samples, and masses that removed and waiting to be sent to the lab. she sanitizes disposable surgical gloves to be used again. they wiped down the back area when messes were…

So, I was an employee to a very small, very toxic privately owned veterinary clinic for a short period of time. It was toxic, abusive, and I believe she crossed a lot of lines. I don't want to sound like a disgruntled former employee, but I really think think these things are bad. I'd like help confirming, as well as advice on where to go to turn her in.

  • we never got breaks. Lunches happened (but people commonly worked through them while wolfing down a sandwich). 10-15 minute breaks literally never happened, I never got one and I never once saw another employee get one.

  • food brought for lunches was kept in the same fridge as vaccines, poop/ urine samples, and masses that removed and waiting to be sent to the lab.

  • she sanitizes disposable surgical gloves to be used again.

  • they wiped down the back area when messes were visible, but true deep cleaning only happened once a week, and it was only the back, never the front of the clinic.

  • she has a horrible and obvious hatred towards men that she was not quiet about. Constantly talking about how much she hates men, how much men make her uncomfortable, and I saw on many occasions where she treated a woman very differently than she would a man in an identical situation. No men have ever worked there

  • she constantly reprimanded employees in front of clients/ customers. There was no behind the scenes talk, it was loud, demeaning, and very public and humiliating

  • she created policies, id enforce the policies as requested, clients would be unhappy with the change and yell at me, then speak directly to her. Instead of backing me up, she'd give them whatever they asked for and blame it on me being a new employee and not knowing any better

  • she constantly said mean things about other employees to the others. I.e. “I can't believe you figured that out! You're so smart! That's why I can't stand other employee. Her brain is tiny and old, yours must be huge!”

  • one employee (56) made a labeling mistake regarding a prescription, the Dr ranted about it for days to the rest of the employees, then when the employee came in next, ripped in to her. She later told us that she made her cry and took her off the schedule for a week. Another employee (23) made a similar mistake, she mentioned it, and moved on, no punishment or lectures.

  • she left employees personal documents up on my computer while I was at lunch. Not only did I see things like addresses and ssn, but I saw I make 5$ more an hour to answer phones than the girls in the back performing surgeries.

  • there are certain medications that are not authorized to just have sitting on a shelf, you have to be prescribing them to patients and dispensethem as soon as they come in. She bypassed this by making up patients, writing down names of patients that never got the meds, or using names of animals that were long since euthanized.

  • as nasty as she would be to employees, she'd refuse to fire them. She'd be nasty behind their back, and make things super tense while they were in. She would keep hiring people, but only with the intention of having them work a single 4 hour shift a week (then be angry with them when they can't remember from one shift to another). She had 3 main employees (including me), but 4 others that were technically employed by her, but were never given hours.

  • she hired another employee (17), I tried to incorporate her into the schedule, as I was concerned 4 hrs a week wasn't enough, especially after she just left her previous job for us. I tried saying she won't be able to retain anything from one week to the other. The Dr told me “She's young, she lives with her parents, she doesn't need the money. She'll pick it up just fine, she's smart and has a big brain. other employee (56) is old and going through menopause and can't function from day to day.

  • I was sick, we had nothing scheduled after lunch. I asked the tech and Dr on duty (she was gone that day) if I could leave at lunch to go to urgent care. I was given permission and wished well by both. Based on the vague text message of the tech, she assumed I left when nobody was looking. Instead of following up and asking what happened, she posted my position on job boards. The next time I saw her, she asked what hearkened, I explained I was sick and had to go to the doctor, but I cleared it with everyone first. She got really passive aggressive and wanted proof. I had to give her the documentation from urgent care as well as show her my bottle of antibiotics. She was proven wrong, but did not back down. She'd already been entertaining new applicants for 3 days before talking to me. After being asked to confirm with the Dr on duty that day, she was given the same story about me asking and being given permission. Nothing changed. I began getting calls at the front desk from people applying for my own position. A week later, I was fired (she had someone else do it while she was gone for the day) and the only reason given being “there doesn't have to be a reason, it's a right to work state”

I'm sure there are more, but this list is already pretty long. I think I got my point across. Can anyone guide me as to what my next step should be?

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