
Snapped at by boss for asking questions

I work in retail. I had my monthly meeting with my manager. It is always numbers about sales, but since i rarely work with her, i wanted to ask some questions. Im very passionate about social justice (especially now considering so many human right viations are taking place). I dove in and did reasearch. The company mostly donates voulenteer time from employees and products to charities and groups that focus on helping marginalized people. I, being a queer trans person who as used these very same resources for my own survival was curious as to what my manger thought and if she could give point me to the direction of where i could find what charities whatever money goes to. In the name of curiousity. She snapped at me about how dare i even question her. She told me that i was not being timely and not focused. She got…

I work in retail. I had my monthly meeting with my manager. It is always numbers about sales, but since i rarely work with her, i wanted to ask some questions. Im very passionate about social justice (especially now considering so many human right viations are taking place). I dove in and did reasearch. The company mostly donates voulenteer time from employees and products to charities and groups that focus on helping marginalized people. I, being a queer trans person who as used these very same resources for my own survival was curious as to what my manger thought and if she could give point me to the direction of where i could find what charities whatever money goes to. In the name of curiousity. She snapped at me about how dare i even question her. She told me that i was not being timely and not focused. She got even more angry with me when i brought up my personal reasearch into recent labor laws (the fair workweek oridance). She bit into me thats she (only recently) have been posting 2 weeks notice, but me and my coworkers have been aware and talking about the company's failure to compile. My manager demaned me to rat out the person that I was talking to and i asked if she was looking for a coworker to blame or get in trouble. She accused me of speaking aggersively to her.

I need to pay rent. Fuck her and this company's so called transparency. I was expecting a civil conversation where i could be more enlighten by my manager. She calims shes not working against me but idk honestly.

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