
So About That Raise?

I work in a large metro Atlanta public library system, and I have my first performance review (6 months) tomorrow. Going off of what they told us when we were hired, this would be the point where management decides wether or not I get a ‘merit based pay increase’. So far, I’ve gotten nothing but stellar feedback about my job performance, but based on the experiences of my co workers, it seems like the party line is “You’re great! But we have no money. Maybe next year.” My question is, if they don’t bring it up, or try to skirt around the subject, what’s they best, most professional way of asking ‘So, when am I getting my money pal?’

I work in a large metro Atlanta public library system, and I have my first performance review (6 months) tomorrow. Going off of what they told us when we were hired, this would be the point where management decides wether or not I get a ‘merit based pay increase’. So far, I’ve gotten nothing but stellar feedback about my job performance, but based on the experiences of my co workers, it seems like the party line is “You’re great! But we have no money. Maybe next year.”
My question is, if they don’t bring it up, or try to skirt around the subject, what’s they best, most professional way of asking ‘So, when am I getting my money pal?’

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