
So angry at a trashy recruiter

My husband has ASD and struggles with anxiety and overthinking. He works in a niche field that is always short on good workers, so he regularly has recruiters calling him. He started at a new company less than a month ago, but he is working with people he has worked with in the past. People he likes and gets along with pretty well. He fees comfortable there already. Less stress, better pay, better benefits, better work life balance than his last 4 jobs he is actually feeling positive for the first time in years. Last week, a recruiter called and hubby immediately said he isn’t interested because he just started at a new company. The recruiter then tried to bad mouth the company. Trash talk the location. And tell awful stories about the CEO of the company. Hubby struggles with communicating, so couldn’t get himself off the phone and had…

My husband has ASD and struggles with anxiety and overthinking. He works in a niche field that is always short on good workers, so he regularly has recruiters calling him. He started at a new company less than a month ago, but he is working with people he has worked with in the past. People he likes and gets along with pretty well. He fees comfortable there already. Less stress, better pay, better benefits, better work life balance than his last 4 jobs he is actually feeling positive for the first time in years.

Last week, a recruiter called and hubby immediately said he isn’t interested because he just started at a new company. The recruiter then tried to bad mouth the company. Trash talk the location. And tell awful stories about the CEO of the company. Hubby struggles with communicating, so couldn’t get himself off the phone and had to listen to all of this persons shit talking. Now he’s anxious about his new position. He literally only had 2 weeks of ‘good’ before this asswipe came along and ruined it. All to try and sell him in a job for 30%less pay, more travel, shitty benefits and with a company with a much worse reputation.

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