
so… how do you not work then?

I hate working. I hate being away from my boyfriend and child and dog and friends and family all the time. I hate that my house gets messy and disorganized because I only have 3 hours a night after work to do EVERYTHING before the next day. My management team of 3 ladies at work seem to have already taken two weeks off, each, in the 3 months I've worked there. I make $10/hr. I was talking to a coworker who had been there for 7 years and she's only at $11/hr… Wtf. I want to leave but everywhere is the same. What are the solutions to antiwork? How do we make this an actual thing? How does that work? What would that look like?

I hate working. I hate being away from my boyfriend and child and dog and friends and family all the time. I hate that my house gets messy and disorganized because I only have 3 hours a night after work to do EVERYTHING before the next day.

My management team of 3 ladies at work seem to have already taken two weeks off, each, in the 3 months I've worked there.

I make $10/hr. I was talking to a coworker who had been there for 7 years and she's only at $11/hr… Wtf.

I want to leave but everywhere is the same.

What are the solutions to antiwork? How do we make this an actual thing? How does that work? What would that look like?

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