
So I just got fired via SMS

As the title says. I work two jobs – my main job is dental instrumentalist (working days Monday-Thursday), with a side job of retail (mainly holidays, Fridays and Saturdays). About two weeks ago the doctor I work for came to work completely out of sorts. Me and my colleague thought that she's probably tired from the previous weeks that she spent at some esoteric semminary. But now, we finish the very first patient, and then she comes over and tells us she want to cancel the rest of the day, because she's “completely and utterly out, and unable to work properly”. Cue a minor panic between us, but ok, we cancel the rest of the appointments, and go home. The boss messages us later that day that she's fine, and will explain everything the next day. Onward to the next day – she slowly starts that she needs us to…

As the title says.

I work two jobs – my main job is dental instrumentalist (working days Monday-Thursday), with a side job of retail (mainly holidays, Fridays and Saturdays). About two weeks ago the doctor I work for came to work completely out of sorts. Me and my colleague thought that she's probably tired from the previous weeks that she spent at some esoteric semminary. But now, we finish the very first patient, and then she comes over and tells us she want to cancel the rest of the day, because she's “completely and utterly out, and unable to work properly”.

Cue a minor panic between us, but ok, we cancel the rest of the appointments, and go home.

The boss messages us later that day that she's fine, and will explain everything the next day.

Onward to the next day – she slowly starts that she needs us to tell something… obviously, depression runs in her family, and she now has to “take care of herself”. Okay. We start making plans about how far in advance we cancel every appointment in the calendar, while she tells us that we will communicate, and deal with everything “on the go”. We can be at peace, and not worry about our jobs, she says.


Me and my colleague decide on the switch days one of us will man the office, take the calls and possibly cancel the appointments. Next two weeks go this way, with people being between “ok, no one can pick the ilness, yes, it's okay” and “ARE YOU F*****G KIDDING ME, WHAT YOU DARE TO CANCEL MY APPOINTMENT”.

Just about an hour ago, a message from my boss who is currently hospitalized with depression, pings on my phone – “I need to fire you”.

And I'm just sitting here, stuck between outrage and deep shock, because I really do not know what to do right now.

So, fellow Redditors, since misery loves company, who else had the amazing opportunity of being fired over a text message?

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