
So I just got sent home for wanting to go home a little early because I’m not feeling well.

Just wanted to vent for the couple of people who may actually read this. I've been feeling like crap since yesterday (sore throat, congestion, all that jazz), but I wanted to still come in today to help the person I was working with to finish the load (I work at a grocery store). Store manager was apparently out today, so I asked the next in charge “hey is it cool if I leave a little earlier today? As soon as I'm done with the load? I'm really not feeling too hot” He said as long as the other person is cool with it, it's fine (and he was, he's a very nice guy). So I'm hard at work, trying to finish as fast as possible, then I get called to the front a few hours in. Apparently somebody else (who always calls in sick) called out, and I was needed…

Just wanted to vent for the couple of people who may actually read this.

I've been feeling like crap since yesterday (sore throat, congestion, all that jazz), but I wanted to still come in today to help the person I was working with to finish the load (I work at a grocery store). Store manager was apparently out today, so I asked the next in charge “hey is it cool if I leave a little earlier today? As soon as I'm done with the load? I'm really not feeling too hot” He said as long as the other person is cool with it, it's fine (and he was, he's a very nice guy).

So I'm hard at work, trying to finish as fast as possible, then I get called to the front a few hours in. Apparently somebody else (who always calls in sick) called out, and I was needed up front and probably wouldn't be able to leave early anymore. Uh… What? And mind you, we get call outs daily, seriously. So I start telling him (next in charge) over the phone how that's not really fair, and that I'm actually feeling sick and had permission to leave earlier, and I just kept getting told no. He eventually got out of his office, and started literally yelling at me in front of everyone, so I asked him to stop yelling which he proceeds to say “no, I'm not having this talk. Clock out and go home now.”

So, what the hell? I tried telling him I didn't want to leave now, and that it wouldn't be fair for the other person I was working with. I just kept getting yelled at to go. Man, I bust my ass at that job. I'm the typical clown; never calls out, hardly takes vacations, always on time. I cannot believe his attitude, I felt genuinely offended. I clocked out with everyone staring and walked out. This shit was so damn degrading. I'm off work tomorrow, but might still go in early morning just to speak to the store manager because the way the next in charge handled it was super unprofessional.

Who knows, maybe I'm in the wrong? Maybe I'm the bad guy? All I know is I'm feeling like shit now (both physically and mentally). Cant believe I've put up with this for as long as I have, especially considering I got a damn college degree. Meh… That is all, thanks for anyone who listened.

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