
So I just threw up at work and was told to go home but they still gave me a point

Not sure if posts like this are allowed but I was extremely sick yesterday so I called in; today at work I felt nauseous so I went to the bathroom sat on the toilet and then immediately threw up. I went to my boss and told him and he told me to go home but that I’d get a half a point for leaving half way through the shift; since I only had about 2 hours left I told him I’d rather just stick it out then but instead he forced me to go home since i was sick. If anything has made me hate American employement it’s this. This just cements that if you aren’t your own boss you’re barely seen as human.

Not sure if posts like this are allowed but I was extremely sick yesterday so I called in; today at work I felt nauseous so I went to the bathroom sat on the toilet and then immediately threw up.

I went to my boss and told him and he told me to go home but that I’d get a half a point for leaving half way through the shift; since I only had about 2 hours left I told him I’d rather just stick it out then but instead he forced me to go home since i was sick.

If anything has made me hate American employement it’s this. This just cements that if you aren’t your own boss you’re barely seen as human.

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