
So I put in 1 week notice and this is how it went mostly context, my decision is in the last 2 paragraphs wow this is long..

Some context -So 2 weeks ago I tried to call out and boss man would not let me, later that day I tested positive for covid. When I returned to work he was complaining about something that I “didn’t do” on 2 seperate sites, one thing he couldn’t remember so it made no sense to me, the other thing, I explained to him I apologize I forgot probably because I did not feel good, I later found out I raised sales by 35 percent for October for the item he complained about… I think I have enough proof all in all to file a hostile work environment claim but I am unsure about the process and unsure if I want to. Let’s Skip to getting a job offer, it’s more pay better benefits and a friend I’ve known all my life helped me get the job and told me everything…

Some context -So 2 weeks ago I tried to call out and boss man would not let me, later that day I tested positive for covid. When I returned to work he was complaining about something that I “didn’t do” on 2 seperate sites, one thing he couldn’t remember so it made no sense to me, the other thing, I explained to him I apologize I forgot probably because I did not feel good, I later found out I raised sales by 35 percent for October for the item he complained about… I think I have enough proof all in all to file a hostile work environment claim but I am unsure about the process and unsure if I want to.

Let’s Skip to getting a job offer, it’s more pay better benefits and a friend I’ve known all my life helped me get the job and told me everything about the place. So I accepted the position.

I explained that I don’t want to miss this opportunity and that I wanted to put 2 weeks but I am unable to and he said I’m closing doors on myself, implying I would be un hireable. I told him I want to be as flexible as possible but I cannot do 2 weeks, is there any middle ground? No

He tells me that “you don’t know how they will be towards me because they have been “very flexible with all my call outs”
So I explained that aside from covid I’ve only called out 3-4 times for legitimate medical concerns for the person I care for, that the company knew about when I was hired (and 2-3 of those call out were within my first 90 days)

he always mentions my attendance like it’s an issue but legally he should either write me up if need be, or stop mentioning it.

So I’m talking to him about leaving… or trying to while he spoke over me and he’s telling me all negative possibilities about this new job he knows nothing about… he finally almost said “good job” bc I apparently raised sales for 5 out of 7 categories of product, yet Never tells me anything constructive.

At one point he asked me when my last day would be and as I tried to answer he spoke over me and he demanded that I finish my scheduled week but then he somehow stuttered it into a question… “your gonna right?” so I said yes I’m definitely working Sunday.

1 weeks notice would have put me at Tuesday being my last day.
I said that’s when I planned to finish and he kept saying negative things. I think he was trying to scare me from leaving so soon. Asking me all these questions and contradicting himself but I wanted to hear my options. I would prefer not to be un hireable.
So I said what if I stayed until Friday?(only a 3 day difference) he changed his tune real quick and basically made it seem like that would change everything. I record all conversations w him(1 party state so I do not need his consent)

I went to my car and listened to how he spoke to me, and how I was barely able to speak and I still was on the fence with my decision

Later on I had an issue because of something someone did on my day off, and instead of telling me how he wants it resolved, in my opinion he spoke down to me.

Then he threw more work at me even though I hadn’t done my own and I help other workers but nobody ever helps me.

Imo I tried to be flexible but he seemed to moreso be threatening me with being rehireable, and I realized “rehireable” is just a word, it doesn’t mean he would take me back, I think he just wanted more time out of me.

So, Annoyed about how I’m treated, I called my new boss and asked if I could start Tuesday but he said Monday would be better or I would’nt have a badge for a week, so I said okay.
Now I haven’t told my old boss yet but he just lost me 2 days earlier bc of how he speaks to me and acts toward me, thoughts?

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