
So…I Quit after “training”

I recently got a new job and during my interview I told them when I was and wasn't available. You know? As per usual. I have my availability on my resume too; in large enough font that it's easy to see. So I get the job all is going well the first day of training. (Which was out of my available.)My trainer is nice, I got my first scheduled, etc etc. The next day, awful. The trainer basically told me she doesnt like training people and doesnt want me here, but i can take on some off the less fun responsibilities for her. I did. I eventually got sent home early because of her lack of guidance and overall rudeness. The problem started the next shift when my trainer never showed up and I basically got kicked into the shark tank. This is a job I've done before and not…

I recently got a new job and during my interview I told them when I was and wasn't available. You know? As per usual. I have my availability on my resume too; in large enough font that it's easy to see.

So I get the job all is going well the first day of training. (Which was out of my available.)My trainer is nice, I got my first scheduled, etc etc. The next day, awful. The trainer basically told me she doesnt like training people and doesnt want me here, but i can take on some off the less fun responsibilities for her. I did. I eventually got sent home early because of her lack of guidance and overall rudeness. The problem started the next shift when my trainer never showed up and I basically got kicked into the shark tank. This is a job I've done before and not that difficult, but when you have no knowledge on what specifics you're supposed to be telling people AND the only other person on staff isn't friendly or helpful it wasn't a position I was happy with.

That mixed with three schedules in a row of only being put on days outside of my availability, and conversation about me being even less available with more classes coming up, I sent out a nicely worded notification that I wouldn't be back.

I did work out of my availability because I just wanted to get the ball rolling and get a paycheck again, but I think they took that as I wasn't serious about my availability/I was easily pushed over.

I feel slightly bad just quitting on the spot, but not really?

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