
So is this what it’s coming to?

All the wealthy are holding the bags, not much left for anyone else. So then then they start making abortion illegal, upping the population, making more mouths to feed. So, less money, spread thin. Let's add globalization and nationalization to the list where companies go to states or countries with less tax, pay workers less, laying off thousands in the process and getting tax write offs from the conservatives. Again less money, spread even more thin. Let's rip away any hope of equal treatment in the country further destroying education opportunities, limiting job opportunities keeping people poor. I'm sorry this just feels like slavery with extra steps. We're living a cartoon and I can't even say it as a joke. This is about where we're at. Just ranting on how I'm frequently reminded my crap pay is “nothing to laugh at.” Far below cost of living in my considered middle…

All the wealthy are holding the bags, not much left for anyone else. So then then they start making abortion illegal, upping the population, making more mouths to feed. So, less money, spread thin.

Let's add globalization and nationalization to the list where companies go to states or countries with less tax, pay workers less, laying off thousands in the process and getting tax write offs from the conservatives. Again less money, spread even more thin.

Let's rip away any hope of equal treatment in the country further destroying education opportunities, limiting job opportunities keeping people poor.

I'm sorry this just feels like slavery with extra steps. We're living a cartoon and I can't even say it as a joke. This is about where we're at.

Just ranting on how I'm frequently reminded my crap pay is “nothing to laugh at.” Far below cost of living in my considered middle of the road job, where my boss has nice huge house for his wife and daughter in invite only community. Might not surprise you to know he's still going to vote red.

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