
so, I’ve been demoted

Background I was keys and never really got any training and was stuck on register every single time I work. One time I was able to not be on register and I was almost hitting quota. 3/4 of a rolltainer an hour, which is pretty good for never getting to work the back of the store. When I'm on register I can usually get 2 or 3 tainers done a shift (which is more than the others that have been here the same amount of time as I have) I've brought this up repeatedly and my sm scheduled one day maybe a month or so ago. I ended up in the hospital that day, so I obviously had to call in. But she won't even entertain the idea of helping me and I've been basically begging for help. Main story: A few days ago I had an interview with aldis.…

I was keys and never really got any training and was stuck on register every single time I work. One time I was able to not be on register and I was almost hitting quota. 3/4 of a rolltainer an hour, which is pretty good for never getting to work the back of the store. When I'm on register I can usually get 2 or 3 tainers done a shift (which is more than the others that have been here the same amount of time as I have)
I've brought this up repeatedly and my sm scheduled one day maybe a month or so ago. I ended up in the hospital that day, so I obviously had to call in. But she won't even entertain the idea of helping me and I've been basically begging for help.

Main story:
A few days ago I had an interview with aldis. I didn't get the job, but they called my store and asked about me. The next day, I've been dropped to a sa with a decrease in pay. I want to know if they can legally do that without my permission(pay cut). To my knowledge, in michigan you have to sign something to agree to a drop in wages. And I also want to know if that would count as retaliation? I don't have any proof, but I probably could get some.

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