
So Starbucks, McDonald’s, Apple and all the companies who stopped doing business with Russia for the war violating human rights, you all are also going to stop doing business with the U.S after today for violating human rights? Right?

Ok, before anyone gets this post twisted let me explain. Earlier in the year these big corporations were hailed as hero’s and examples of high morality for refusing to do business with a country that constantly violates human rights. For the most part I think this was a good move…if and only if it was truly motivated by the right reasons. However, we both know these companies don’t give a shit about the people they only care about their bottom line. Yet they were praised for “taking a stand” I guarantee you none of these business will stop operating in the U.S for the violations on woman and other minority groups. They may have fooled most but they haven’t fooled me! Remember these corporations LIE! They pretend to be on your side and tell you what you want to hear but don’t forget they DO NOT CARE! Nows the time…

Ok, before anyone gets this post twisted let me explain. Earlier in the year these big corporations were hailed as hero’s and examples of high morality for refusing to do business with a country that constantly violates human rights. For the most part I think this was a good move…if and only if it was truly motivated by the right reasons.

However, we both know these companies don’t give a shit about the people they only care about their bottom line. Yet they were praised for “taking a stand”

I guarantee you none of these business will stop operating in the U.S for the violations on woman and other minority groups. They may have fooled most but they haven’t fooled me!

Remember these corporations LIE! They pretend to be on your side and tell you what you want to hear but don’t forget they DO NOT CARE! Nows the time to put pressure on them! Demand that they stand up and tell them to put their money where their mouth is.

Spoiler alert: THEY WON’T they were just virtue signaling!

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