
So tired of being exploited and micromanaged

Throwaway account for security reasons. I really have to just rant right now. I have been contracting with an agency, and the supervisors on my assignment are SUPER MICROMANAGERS. They monitor us on teams to constantly check our status and they freak out if we don’t respond to emails or IM within a few minutes. Today my immediate manager notified me that the supervisors were concerned as to whether or not I was online, working and getting my job done… even though I constantly meet deliverables and get my assignments done by the deadline, oftentimes earlier WITHOUT FAIL! Not only do I do my job and do it well, but I’ve gone above and beyond and created workflows that helped to resolve a lot of issues the team was having before my arrival. I’m literally doing work that’s outside of my job description, on top of what is within my…

Throwaway account for security reasons. I really have to just rant right now. I have been contracting with an agency, and the supervisors on my assignment are SUPER MICROMANAGERS. They monitor us on teams to constantly check our status and they freak out if we don’t respond to emails or IM within a few minutes. Today my immediate manager notified me that the supervisors were concerned as to whether or not I was online, working and getting my job done… even though I constantly meet deliverables and get my assignments done by the deadline, oftentimes earlier WITHOUT FAIL! Not only do I do my job and do it well, but I’ve gone above and beyond and created workflows that helped to resolve a lot of issues the team was having before my arrival. I’m literally doing work that’s outside of my job description, on top of what is within my job title to do, and I’m not even making the average wage for my position.

I am overworked and stressed out on my shifts, even though I work from home, there’s so much demand we have to meet that it’s becoming unsustainable. Workload just continues to increase and no matter how many times I’ve expressed to both managers that they need to bring more people because my coworkers and I are being spread thin, they instead demand us to work harder.

It feels like such a slap in the face to in fact be a hard worker, get my work done and submitted on time, take the extra step to help solve issues for the betterment of the team, just to have my supervisors report back to my manager that they’re worried I’m not actually working… as if they couldn’t see the work I’ve logged every single day myself. What they’re really saying is that they want me to be working 8 hours maxed with no breaks, work through lunch and beg for more work so they can squeeze the juice out of me. I am extremely efficient with my time which allows for me to take breaks, but that has nothing to do with them. I am meeting my priorities for the week and that’s all that matters. I’m taking a vacation soon and I’ve already decided that I will be securing another job before I leave that way I don’t have to come back to this one when I return. It’s so vile how no matter how much effort we put in sometimes, we’re still treated like it’s not enough. Demand demand demand and it never stops. If anyone has any advice as to how to handle a micromanaging supervisor I’d be glad to hear it. I’m on my last straw with these people and it’s only been a couple months!

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