
So we’re just back to Feudalism, yeah?

Y'all ever notice that while we brag about our shining light of democracy here in the States, we're basically still just running off feudalism? Not the nepotism and oligarchical structure of our government either. Think about how companies are run for a second: CEOs = Kings Shareholders and Trustees = Bishops Upper Management = Barons and Lords Middle Management = Knights Working Class = Terfs Since our corporations have unfettered access to manipulate the systems of power and we're basically running on a single party political system… Yeah, we're just right back to feudalism. 🤦‍️

Y'all ever notice that while we brag about our shining light of democracy here in the States, we're basically still just running off feudalism? Not the nepotism and oligarchical structure of our government either. Think about how companies are run for a second:

CEOs = Kings
Shareholders and Trustees = Bishops
Upper Management = Barons and Lords
Middle Management = Knights
Working Class = Terfs

Since our corporations have unfettered access to manipulate the systems of power and we're basically running on a single party political system… Yeah, we're just right back to feudalism. 🤦‍️

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