
“So you don’t even care about the growth of our company?”

That’s what my manager said yesterday after seeing the photo pinned to the wall of my cubicle. (Will attach in the comments). I replied with “having a picture on my wall doesn’t mean I don’t care about the company”. He goes “Well, it’s certainly not nothing and I feel like you could appreciate the opportunities name of the company gives to you a bit more”. Um what opportunities?? Free coffee and cookies?? I had been at this accounting firm for over 4 years working my ass off and had never received any sort of bonuses or anything that will motivate me at all, except for a $20 cinema voucher, which I didn’t even end up using due to excessive overtime during weekends. Then I got a bit triggered and went “How can I care about the company when the company doesn’t care about the employees?” He looked at me and…

That’s what my manager said yesterday after seeing the photo pinned to the wall of my cubicle. (Will attach in the comments).
I replied with “having a picture on my wall doesn’t mean I don’t care about the company”.

He goes “Well, it’s certainly not nothing and I feel like you could appreciate the opportunities name of the company gives to you a bit more”.

Um what opportunities?? Free coffee and cookies?? I had been at this accounting firm for over 4 years working my ass off and had never received any sort of bonuses or anything that will motivate me at all, except for a $20 cinema voucher, which I didn’t even end up using due to excessive overtime during weekends.

Then I got a bit triggered and went “How can I care about the company when the company doesn’t care about the employees?” He looked at me and said to meet him at his office. I was already having a stressful day so I told him I don’t have the energy to deal with your bullshit.

Me saying that made him lose his mind and he furiously said “You don’t even have to come to work tomorrow since you want to escape your responsibilities by being lazy.”

As soon as he said that I just stood up, packed my stuff and left without saying a word. He kept calling my phone a couple times but I didn’t pick up.

Went home, played some video games and then took my dog for a walk.

Haven’t heard anything from them as of today

Glad I have some savings to survive off of for the time being

I guess I can say I’m a free man for now

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