
so, you know he did something wrong and creepy, but aren’t gonna do anything about it?

A while ago i was sitting in a lil bench area by my work, taking a smoke break. It was dark out and this area is the best lit by my building, so even tho we're not really supposed to smoke there, i prefer to for safety. I noticed someone walking across the parking lot and saw it was one of the security guards so I was worried i might be in trouble. The guard didn't acknowledge me and took a picture of a barcode they have to use to check in. He then turned around and, with flash, took a photo of me. At this point i was convinced i was in trouble, so i asked why he took a picture of me expecting to either get chewed out for smoking or have him ask for my work badge. He didn't seem startled by my presence, but awkwardly shoved…

A while ago i was sitting in a lil bench area by my work, taking a smoke break. It was dark out and this area is the best lit by my building, so even tho we're not really supposed to smoke there, i prefer to for safety. I noticed someone walking across the parking lot and saw it was one of the security guards so I was worried i might be in trouble.

The guard didn't acknowledge me and took a picture of a barcode they have to use to check in. He then turned around and, with flash, took a photo of me. At this point i was convinced i was in trouble, so i asked why he took a picture of me expecting to either get chewed out for smoking or have him ask for my work badge. He didn't seem startled by my presence, but awkwardly shoved his phone is his pocket and claimed he hadn't seen me.

It all felt very weird, so i pulled my manager aside and explained the situation and admitted it felt off, he agreed. We decided to send an email to ask if the guard was supposed to take a picture of me or if there was a reason. The next day i was fully prepared to be told i was over reacting/in trouble for smoking and i braced for the embarrassment. Instead, one of the higher ups in the building came to me and let me know that the guard was definitely not supposed to be taking photos of me and if it happened again to let him know.

Thing is, even after it coming out that dude was being creepy, he's still working my building and i have to see him every time I go in or out. Thankfully i have no reason or requirement to interact with him, but it still feels icky that he's allowed to stay. I told my manager and another trusted person about the situation and now they walk me to my car at the end of the night. I'm also taking all of my smoke breaks in my car once it's dark. It's so frustrating that i have to be afraid for my safety but for Mr. Creeper it's business as usual.

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