
Social workers are super underpaid and overworked. They need some love from the anti work movement

I am a full licensed masters level clinical social worker LMSW. I had to job hop and be unstable/ in between jobs for the past 4 months to FINALLY accepting a job yesterday that pays me 65 k. SO I am happy about that but it made me think… I see advertisements all the time on indeed for home based MASTERS LEVEL THERAPISTS offering 42k. It is sickening. I am 75 k in student loan debt and I know others have even more. We work with those most vulnerable. We work with those who have mental illness, suicidal, have substance abuse issues, homeless etc. I feel that is why we are underpaid….. because the privileged and the elite do not care about them. So, they don’t care about us who help them. But how are we supposed to help them when we are overburdened with debt just to accept a…

I am a full licensed masters level clinical social worker LMSW. I had to job hop and be unstable/ in between jobs for the past 4 months to FINALLY accepting a job yesterday that pays me 65 k. SO I am happy about that but it made me think…

I see advertisements all the time on indeed for home based MASTERS LEVEL THERAPISTS offering 42k. It is sickening. I am 75 k in student loan debt and I know others have even more. We work with those most vulnerable. We work with those who have mental illness, suicidal, have substance abuse issues, homeless etc. I feel that is why we are underpaid….. because the privileged and the elite do not care about them. So, they don’t care about us who help them. But how are we supposed to help them when we are overburdened with debt just to accept a job that pays NOTHING? The stress of our job is insane. I can’t work in community mental health anymore as it burned me out after almost 3 years. I had a mental health emergency of my own due to the stress.
I don’t know what the answer is but something needs to change. Social workers have been treated horribly for too long. I am legally able to diagnose and do therapy…. But other professions that don’t require a masters degree pays more. I think it’s wrong and shows how society does not value it’s people.

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