
society is crumbling because people can’t afford a dignifying life to bring kids into the world

We're currently witnessing the biggest scam to ever exist. Our institutions are failing us. They would rather close the door and plug their ears than listen to us to avoid liability. All of our institutions have lost trust from the people and need to be replaced. Record profits year after year, I'm sure these mega corporations appreciate all the tax cuts they've received over the last 50 years. It wasn't always like this, there was a time when a family could be supported and actually thrive with just one person in the house working and the other a stay-at-home parent. This has been taken away from us, we live such stressful lives because we never know what the future is going to bring because it never looks good. A lot of people want to have kids but those people are always saying “just a few more years” but it never…

We're currently witnessing the biggest scam to ever exist. Our institutions are failing us. They would rather close the door and plug their ears than listen to us to avoid liability. All of our institutions have lost trust from the people and need to be replaced. Record profits year after year, I'm sure these mega corporations appreciate all the tax cuts they've received over the last 50 years. It wasn't always like this, there was a time when a family could be supported and actually thrive with just one person in the house working and the other a stay-at-home parent. This has been taken away from us, we live such stressful lives because we never know what the future is going to bring because it never looks good. A lot of people want to have kids but those people are always saying “just a few more years” but it never comes because there's always something around the corner that's going to steal your money. My parents were financially independent in their early twenties when they brought myself and my sister into the world they had a house and car. My dad was a janitor and my mom a nurse and they were actually well off. The biggest scam that isn't recognized is corporate profit take home compared to what we take home. Without us the workers to produce wealth for the company in the form of services and goods, their record profits are reduced to zero. We live in a timeline where the middle class is having all of its wealth extorted. We can't just sit here and do nothing we have to do something! It's our responsibility!

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