
Soft phones, no personal cell reimbursement

My company has switched to soft phones (no desk phones—calls are made on computer or through app on cell). We aren’t provided company phones and there is no plan to reimburse anyone for the use of their personal phones for work. To get through a normal day a typical employee is going to have to use the app on their phone to communicate with clients, customers and internal people. I’m in the US. Is this allowed? My cell plan isn’t exactly cheap. I feel like it’s a chipping away at my total compensation to have to provide a personal device to do my job.

My company has switched to soft phones (no desk phones—calls are made on computer or through app on cell).

We aren’t provided company phones and there is no plan to reimburse anyone for the use of their personal phones for work. To get through a normal day a typical employee is going to have to use the app on their phone to communicate with clients, customers and internal people.

I’m in the US. Is this allowed?

My cell plan isn’t exactly cheap. I feel like it’s a chipping away at my total compensation to have to provide a personal device to do my job.

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