
Some advice on how to be (insensitive)

The title is a joke for Canadians or Jann Arden fans. I am genuinely asking for advice on how to give less of a shit at work. I know, intellectually, all the things about why I shouldn't skip my breaks or stay late, just because they don't schedule enough people to work at a comfortable pace. But it bothers me to leave things a mess. It bothers me to know that my coworkers are dealing with a mess I left, because I know how stressful it is to work in a chaotic environment. I also just have a hard time with time management in general, so it's really hard for me to say 'ill just do x and then take a break at y time'. I'm often not done by then, or something unexpected comes up ,and it throws me off. I think I might have ADHD tbh, if that…

The title is a joke for Canadians or Jann Arden fans. I am genuinely asking for advice on how to give less of a shit at work. I know, intellectually, all the things about why I shouldn't skip my breaks or stay late, just because they don't schedule enough people to work at a comfortable pace. But it bothers me to leave things a mess. It bothers me to know that my coworkers are dealing with a mess I left, because I know how stressful it is to work in a chaotic environment. I also just have a hard time with time management in general, so it's really hard for me to say 'ill just do x and then take a break at y time'. I'm often not done by then, or something unexpected comes up ,and it throws me off. I think I might have ADHD tbh, if that is at all relevant. But regardless, the struggle is real.

I know everyone makes fun of people for being too much of a try hard and asking to be exploited more, etc. I get it. You should just not care and do less. But how do you actually DO that? Like how do you make it happen when there's all this pressure from everywhere to work faster and do more? I also work with food so it has to be dealt with within a time frame or it'll be garbage, even if you feel like there's no time to do it.

I find in practice, we try to have each other's backs and get things done that help each other out, like for example keeping the supplies filled for the next person, the stock areas organised, or keeping things clean. It does make it a nicer environment to work in. I can't focus or deal with the other stresses of the job, which are bad enough already, when it's too chaotic. I'm finding with newer staff though that people don't do these things. I'm torn between being like 'hell yeah work your wage' and being frustrated, because then I come in and it's a total disaster of a shift, and it makes me actually upset, like it makes me feel like I can't cope with even being there. I don't hold it against them, because we should be paid way more, so how can they expect super high quality work from us? I often fix things as I see them though, so it's easier for me, but then I barely have time to finish my work. How do other people deal with this? It's gonna burn me out if I don't figure something out.

TLDR – how do I do less at work, pls don't drag me too much I am trying

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