
Some advice- Quit Early and Quit Often

I've been in the workforce for nearly 20 years. I've had at least 36 employers, aside from being self employed. Of those 36, about 8 have been good, long term jobs. I think of work a lot like dating. You have to kiss a lot of frogs until you find the right one. My point is, feel no shame about leaving, getting fired, laid off, whatever. That's how you get to the job you do want. No employer ever shows up to your interview like “Listen, I'm going to be committing wage theft, I enjoy sexually harassing my female employees, and I am definitely going to be screaming and throwing things at my staff when I have a bad day. So … you ready to sign?” You only come to realize this stuff after the fact. And this kind of behavior is wildly common in the US workplace. Of course,…

I've been in the workforce for nearly 20 years. I've had at least 36 employers, aside from being self employed.

Of those 36, about 8 have been good, long term jobs. I think of work a lot like dating. You have to kiss a lot of frogs until you find the right one.

My point is, feel no shame about leaving, getting fired, laid off, whatever. That's how you get to the job you do want.

No employer ever shows up to your interview like “Listen, I'm going to be committing wage theft, I enjoy sexually harassing my female employees, and I am definitely going to be screaming and throwing things at my staff when I have a bad day. So … you ready to sign?”

You only come to realize this stuff after the fact. And this kind of behavior is wildly common in the US workplace.

Of course, not every one is in a position to quit, but if you can, don't worry about it. They rely on people feeling stuck and just accepting poor treatment.

I used to feel like something was wrong with me that I couldn't get along with managers that took my tips, or whatever the thing was when I was younger.

Its not you, it's them. The best advice I ever received was “QUIT EARLY AND QUIT OFTEN”. That's how you get where you need to go. It even works outside of professional settings! Once I took it to heart, a lot of things changed for the better for me.

Grit is good, but you also have to be wise about how you employ it.

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