
Some anti-tip Antiworkers are absolutely disgusting people

If you want to change the tip system in America, fine, I'm with you. But for you to just stop tipping before actually changing that system, well, that makes you an absolute dirtbag piece of shit, on par with upper management and landlords. You have literally ONE CHANCE to prove you're better than all these grimy employers and you just can't bring yourself to ensure that the person whose job is created by your demand gets a fair wage. If you were anywhere near as principled as you claim to be, you'd write off the American financial system as a whole and just stop using money altogether. But no, your principles end when you're the one with the lighter wallet. Fuck anybody who even THINKS the above applies to them; I have nothing to say to you past that.

If you want to change the tip system in America, fine, I'm with you. But for you to just stop tipping before actually changing that system, well, that makes you an absolute dirtbag piece of shit, on par with upper management and landlords. You have literally ONE CHANCE to prove you're better than all these grimy employers and you just can't bring yourself to ensure that the person whose job is created by your demand gets a fair wage. If you were anywhere near as principled as you claim to be, you'd write off the American financial system as a whole and just stop using money altogether. But no, your principles end when you're the one with the lighter wallet.

Fuck anybody who even THINKS the above applies to them; I have nothing to say to you past that.

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