
Some “coffee shop” workers (like Dunkin’ Donuts and Starbucks) workers have endured a difficult increase in responsibilities and stress over the last decades, without a commensurate compensation increase

First, DD and Starbucks slowly shifted into basically fastfood breakfast and lunch places, as menus have expanded to include more and more hot food items requiring time to prepare. This combined with the advent of Mobile Ordering, means that workers are now expected to do way more, and do it all way more quickly than before. In most employment situations, when responsibilities increase, so does your pay. So, wtf?

First, DD and Starbucks slowly shifted into basically fastfood breakfast and lunch places, as menus have expanded to include more and more hot food items requiring time to prepare.

This combined with the advent of Mobile Ordering, means that workers are now expected to do way more, and do it all way more quickly than before.

In most employment situations, when responsibilities increase, so does your pay. So, wtf?

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