
Some companies are doing the right thing, but what about those that decide to pick the other side?

You know how we all saw companies that doubled down on refusing to let workers WFH, who refused to wear masks or report employee cases of COVID and got other employees sick. Who demanded that workers return to the office even in the middle of a huge wave. All of that. What happens when you need an abortion, or try to help someone who does, or even just talk to someone who does, and your job turns you in? Especially if there’s financial incentive to do so, like in Texas? Imagine. All they’d need to do is track your activity when your phone connects to the guest network, or listen to you in the break room, or look at your social media. We are going to have to learn to be very, VERY careful.

You know how we all saw companies that doubled down on refusing to let workers WFH, who refused to wear masks or report employee cases of COVID and got other employees sick. Who demanded that workers return to the office even in the middle of a huge wave. All of that.

What happens when you need an abortion, or try to help someone who does, or even just talk to someone who does, and your job turns you in? Especially if there’s financial incentive to do so, like in Texas? Imagine. All they’d need to do is track your activity when your phone connects to the guest network, or listen to you in the break room, or look at your social media.

We are going to have to learn to be very, VERY careful.

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