
Some corporate jerk off is fucking up our schedule

I work in a warehouse and we've been on a 4 10's schedule for several years. Apparently someone very high up in the corpo chain doesn't like this, and is using some recent management turnover as an excuse to revert it back to 5 8's. All the data and documentation and OPERATOR OUTREACH we did that lead us to going to 4 10's doesn't matter to this douchebag. He doesn't like it, so he's changing it and is unconvinced by the higher productivity or the fact that it's cruel to change people's schedules with zero warning. Change is happening next week, we were just told about it today and I'm fuming. It might not seem like the biggest deal, but everyone has organized their lives around this schedule and losing that extra day off is gonna fuck with us. At this point i hope the company tanks cause every time…

I work in a warehouse and we've been on a 4 10's schedule for several years. Apparently someone very high up in the corpo chain doesn't like this, and is using some recent management turnover as an excuse to revert it back to 5 8's.

All the data and documentation and OPERATOR OUTREACH we did that lead us to going to 4 10's doesn't matter to this douchebag. He doesn't like it, so he's changing it and is unconvinced by the higher productivity or the fact that it's cruel to change people's schedules with zero warning.

Change is happening next week, we were just told about it today and I'm fuming. It might not seem like the biggest deal, but everyone has organized their lives around this schedule and losing that extra day off is gonna fuck with us. At this point i hope the company tanks cause every time we make a good decision, corporate steps in to reverse it, or fuck with it, or otherwise sully it so they can feel some inkling of meaning in their dogshit lives

Ok rant over hope you're all having a good week.

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